This month we are interviewing our monthly take over of July 2020 @aronvisuals
1. Tell us more about yourself and the work you do?
Hi guys @aronvisuals here, I'm a 23 years old Digital Artist from North Macedonia, Europe!
I enjoy creating and I've been in love with art since very young days, and with Photoshop since 2018.
My passion and love for art got me to challenge myself daily to become better and better!!
2. How were you inspired to pursue this kind of career?
As I remember from very younger days I was always creative and talented even with drawing sometimes, in school I was the best one, you know the feeling when everyone wants you to help them with the drawings, ahaha, that happened to me. I was part of so many school competitions, this creativity drove me forward always. I remember as a child I always loved to draw something on shirts, my wall and things like that, people around me were sure that one day something will happen with me and art and I think this is the right way off! Also I think when someone has a talent it's very easy to get where they want, it's as destiny wants and of course with practicing and learning daily! Back in time, somewhere 2010, I was using Photoscape, to create some art as well and did some song artworks too so I was sure that I really love this and one day I wanted to work more than that. In 2014 I opened for the first time ever Photoshop and I was literally shocked and dissapointed somehow that looks so damn hard haha and closed it. I am so thankful that I gived another chance in 2018 and started everyday to practice, to learn and work! So never give up something that needs time for learning!
3. Can you tell us what style of art you do and how you developed your own style?
I started back in 2018 on portraits edits only because I was a photographer before digital art, and then with time I felt that its not something that I want to create daily, I always wanted to create artworks with stories and emotions than I got a course from Julius and my view and everything has changed in one blink literally!
I was more inspired, more opened to learn and from that time till now I learned so much even with practicing only for 2 years of it. I would say that now I'm finally there where I always wanted to be, to create surealistic artworks following stories. For me there is no rules in art when you become being on a good level you can do whatever you want and your imagination drives you crazy! Also about the style, a lot of people told me that they can recognise my artworks without seeing my name, and that makes me really happy and proud that I have my own style! I have specific ways of creating as people can see in my step by step videos. I start from a very dark vibes to create some magic, I do that with reason in every work because not everything is dark as it seems to be and the magical things represent HOPE. Every artwork has a story with why is created like that but sometimes I leave it to people to feel them and escape in my artworks! Also I love with time to go though different themes, it's really challenging and great way, when some client coming with some crazy theme or ideas, so you are always ready for different things!
4. Can you name an artist/s that you look up to? How have they influenced you?
Yeah the only one I think of it's Erik Johansson, if you don't know that guy than you are crazy haha!
For me, he is the master of Photoshop really, his imagination, stories, ideas and artworks are at a next level.
His artworks really represent the quote that is also in the bio of my profile: ''Everything you can imagine is real.'' I love when I see his artworks to stare in them a lot, to feel it, to go into it literally and I have an eye for all details and that guy is amazing really!
5. What is your typical daily routine like?
I wake up, than coffee time and my headphones, because I start my day with coffee and music, no way without them haha, than after this I am ready to open a Photoshop, of course with music as well. If I started an artwork a day before I would work on that, I can spend really so much time on them even while I finish the artwork because this ''perfectionist'' thing makes me crazy, sometimes some details that are not even visible for my brain and not allows me to finish till I clean and fix everything that annoys me and things like that, because in some way it is a good thing because it doesn't allow you to create something bad, but again sometimes its really crazy, but with time I learned to deal with it and to understand myself and have some limits. Than later in the day I have some time with my family, I don't go out here yet because of COVID, and luckily I have a lots of free time and this job from home, so I am never bored. I also talk with friends that I meet a through Instagram and we share daily stories and everything. Of course to not forgot in a day the ciggarettes, how many I smoke no idea but lots of them haha.Yeah that's it for a day, and of course eating chipses and drinking Coca Cola it's also a daily routine. At night I sometimes play video games too. I feel so relaxed when lookin at the sky and see the stars and on my side of window I am very happy that I can see every night my friend the moon!
6. How do you go about creating a piece? Can you share with us your creative process?
Yeah sure! When I am ready to create something I'm picking up my note and I'm looking at what I had written from ideas in my mind, a lot of them are from dreams or before I sleep and dream in night
time, my imagination works like crazy so I write everything and next day I will understand all. Than the hardest part coming is searching for stock photos even if you think that's easy, believe me, it's not ahaha, a lot of times it happens that something is so hard to find and you have to change the idea or things in the artwork, but yeah it's really big challenge and since I spend a lot of money on stock besides the free ones and million overlays as well its easy to have a lot folders for all of them, this magical or some things too!
But mostly music helps me a lot while I start a day with creating and with music I'm out of this real world and going inside the created by me! Than working on an artwork, the time of it being done depends I never really focus to finish it in one day or because I have to post somewhere, no, once I finish that's it when I feel it will be. Than once I finish the artwork it's not the end as you think probably lol than it's coming recording for the step by step video. As you always see on my profile and all those things for stories and posts take a lot of time too, also for Behance and all other social medias where I share it! I am happy that as I can't remember that I had so many days when I couldn't find something or whatever, its somehow going always great in the end to me.
7.Do you get creative blocks from time to time? How do you overcome it? What advice can you share to overcome it?
Let's talk more about that because I really think that people have to understand this. Geting creative blocks is very normal even if you are scared once you get one. Last time I had one was before this year and biggest one in the last year as well, it was horrible just whatever I started wasn't working on any ideas, I felt somehow so confused and lost because for me daily creating something is part of my life, art saved my life in some way personally for me and you know how hard that can be when things not work how you expect, but the most important thing is not working on it, unfocus from it, leave it, give a time because having a creative block is really normal, we are not robots programmed to create everyday something, it's very
hard even to be noticed today with unique art style and one that hasn't been seen before somewhere, I know everything but you have to meet yourself and understand as well what you want, till that focus on something else, and when you feel it back, the inspiration, it will happen in one click that how it was with me.
I remember in March I had 6 clients! Yeah 6 of them with album, song cover arts and all is very different I was so afraid like can I do all of them? I really think it was the biggest challenge in my carrer but I was so afraid I because I had 1 month to finish all of them and I even was afraid all the time of getting a blockade that will not allow me to continue. Thankfully I managed to finish all this artworks, all were amazing some of them you have seen already some of them you will see later when the songs will be out and yeah it was very hard to get into all of those different stories because when I create an album cover art or for a song I really want to give 100% from me because this is something I always wanted to create and I know how much that means for artist as well, so I finished everything, nothing happened, clients loved them all, and even with this time in between I started working on my own artworks too believe or not haha, and finished 3 edits in this time as well! It was crazy but I learned to control myself and I think that today is very hard for that to happen but its possible of course. Some musicians get blockade for so long even for 1 year or more that's normal as I said, so don't be afraid. Also by talking with a lot of artists around, a lot of them get because their focus is on Instagram, likes, comments, shares or whatever you know, I remember me last year I was like that as well, that was so important to me till some point I stopped thinking and I was telling myself, damn Aron focus on your work!! And thats the key for everything, for growing, for just everything.
Of course for me is important to have a portfolio on Instagram and my clients coming from there as well and I want to have sponsored things but you know you cannot change anything if algorithm is bad, that doesn't mean that you are bad and don't be sad because of it. Now if I have 10k 100k it will be the same because I really stopped caring about numbers and you will feel a lot better if you do too, because it was a real stress!
One more advice is while you create never think "oh gosh I didn't post for so long on Instagram algorithm will fuck me" believe me with or without it's the same, focus to create something that you will be proud and to love it as I do and nothing can stop me or destroy to get sad or in bad mood because of it. So yeah that's it, respect yourself and start thinkg differently and everything will become better for sure believe me! If you can't find inspiration listen to some great music, go out from your comfort zone, even go and spend a lot of time on free sites for stocks, sometimes happens to me that just going without idea and finding something, making in my mind and in the end that comes amazing as well so yeah if you want it, you will find way for everything! Create what you want, the most important is remember that you love this, people ahhh always will be someone who will love and support your work truly and than we have this type of ones that are unreal opposite from it. Just do your work and focus on you!
8. What are the things you do to get inspired? What are your typical movies, music,
activities, etc. ?
Well for me the mostly inspiring source is music I listen to it's symphonic metal or rock this is something from my young age and I would never listen something else because with this genre I really feel it, the music created by artist and the lyrics as well so while I listen I close my eyes to only focus on listening to music I would imagine something in my mind and that's an amazing feeling! Inspiration is also coming from life, friends and from people's stories around me, books I have read, some artworks I have seen somewhere too, like everything inspiration can be found everywhere even by looking on at the night sky with a moon. For me the metal music is most escapist one really. Metal music is for people who think for themselves and I think that people that listen to it are the smart ones, I always feel energized and strong and ready for everything while listening it, there is a lot of bands and also just epic instrumental tracks are masterpieces as inspiration!
9. Which of your works is your favorite? Can you describe it to us and why it is special?
Oh this question is so damn hard because every artwork for me is so special and I call them my babies hahah! But okay let's say from 2020 that this one ''INTERSTELLAR CONNECTION'' the idea for it came from a music orchestra I have listened on Youtube and I created a vision that I want to start on something in my style but to represent the young days of life, as you can see to find your child again. Those days when we didn't worry about nothing seriously and I really miss those days, the happiness was the only thing we wanted, but I'm really enjoing now to create this dreamy moody skies and adding space, universe things and in same time represent a dream of a young child and that all of us have the Universe inside us and the destiny that you cannot change! Sometimes as in this one I am adding a person, in this case a child that would respresent me and my emotions in some past moment, as from young days I always loved to go out at night and look at the sky and to start searching for moon and even today I'm still doing that!
''There's no fear in the dream!''
Such a magical one ,as always, but it's really special to me in all ways, so let's say this one even very hard to choose!
10. What is your future goals/plans?
When I started back in 2018 one of my goals was to be very known with my style as an artist, to be seen by Photoshop or even shared, to always create unique artworks with a stories to become better and better everyday and to practice always, to be opened to learn new things. So yeah there is a lot of them, I can count millions ahaha, but I am very happy that some of them had already come true. All Adobe pages shared me and followed me including Photoshop too! The moment when they shared me for the first time 2019 it was amazing, I can't explain that feeling and everytime they share me I feel so honored and happy, but the moment when they started following, me Gosh I was damn out of this world. Like they are following 260 people and you are in this list as well! This really means a lot, their support is something that gives you an amazing energy to create more and more to become better! And all the things I have mentioned are visible as well by looking on my artworks from 2018 and even beginning 2019 it's so unreal to me that for this time, I learned so much. But maybe most important is to always have this with me, to be happy and to create forever that is number one priority!
11. Do you have any favourite mantra that gives you any type of motivation or can give others inspiration?
Well as I said for me definietly music and music, sometimes even to rest and to charge my "batteries".
I want also to mention one last thing as well because a lot of people asked me about it, if I go to art school or something. I really not, because I believe in talent and as you know now my story it's definietly visible that I would become something like this from all stories before. Somehow for me it's going like very great, so remember you don't need any art school to become master in everything, the most important is your passion and love and to be open to learn new things and everything will come with time. Just keep practicing everyday and you will see. Funny thing is there is a lot of people that have school and all theory but again not that good into creating and there is people that don't have and they are so much better, just follow your dreams guys! I also think that in this is most important part, your CREATIVITY without it you are nothing even with knowledge for me.
Thanks for reading this guys, hope you enjoyed it and if you want to escape from this world, go to my Instagram page you are always welcome to join in and the new one!
It was amazing to answer all of this and thank you for this opportunity and for the take over as well!
12. Where can people find your art or purchase any of your work if available? (social media links and store links)
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