Mike Aka jpegv1 : September 2020 Take Over

 This month we are interviewing our monthly take over of September 2020 @jpegv1 



1. Tell us more about yourself and the work you do?
Hey! I'm Mike, I am a digital artist from The Netherlands! Why did I start making these type of artworks? Well, I really love to be creative, being able to make things is something that brings me a lot of joy! It started when I was younger I think, I spend hours making things with Legos, drawing dinosaurs and playing videogames. As I got older I started discovering new things through YouTube, and since I really like to know how things work, I wanted to try it out myself aswell.
This slowly got me into creating stuff in Photoshop, making music, exploring video editing and more, and I never stopped making these things! :)

2. How were you inspired to pursue this kind of career?
When I was younger I promised myself to never pursue something that doesn't bring me joy.
And editing, making music etc was something that I always did and do for fun, I never really knew if it was possible to create a career out of this.
When I started to discover artists through Instagram and YouTube for example it showed me that doing this as a job is actually possible.
I'm still not there yet, but doing this fulltime, making cool stuff, and really enjoying it, would be a dream come true! 

3. Can you tell us what style of art you do and how you developed your own style?
I am a huge fan of movies, videogames, and music. I want it to be able to fit in such a world. A place that has no limits. So when I create something, I like to see the piece that I'm working on as a part of a story. I think this helps me a lot.

As for my style, I'm not really sure what kind of style I have. This has been something that I always struggled with, I like a lot of different things.
Often when I'm done creating something, I love it for a while, but after sometime I usually start hating it.

I want it to look awesome, and I usually end up comparing it to some other artists that I look up to.
This helps me to improve, because I want it to be better every single time, but it can also have some negative effects on me. Because sometimes I feel like my work doesn't even come close to where I would like to be someday.

So to sum it up, I think my style is a mix of movies, music, games, concept art, people I look up to and more. 


4. Can you name an artist/s that you look up to? How have they influenced you?
I think that @truthbynature and @visualsofjulius are the two awesome artists that made me start an Instagram account for my work.
They are amazing artists and I love talking to them, they helped me out a lot, which I am super grateful for. They are awesome!

Some other artists that I look up to in the industry are @eddiemendozaart and @snatti89 .
I love their style and work, there are atleast a hundred more artists that I really look up to and mentioning them all is impossible! 

5. What is your typical daily routine like?

I wake up, finish up work. And usually spend the rest of the day creating new stuff, play some videogames with friends, create some more stuff and end the day with a cool movie or show. :)

6. How do you go about creating a piece? Can you share with us your creative process? 

I usually try to sketch some ideas, and I think getting ideas and concepts is one of the hardest things throughout the process.
It's something that you can't force, well, of course you could but they usually are not something that you really like.

After I have something cool in mind I start making a quick sketch of the scene, then I start looking for all the objects, textures etc that I need.
This takes super long which is why I am learning how to draw and make these things myself, without having to depend on images.

Then I just start making the whole scene, and work on it until I'm done!

7. Do you get creative blocks from time to time? How do you overcome it? What advice can you share to overcome it? 

Yes, I do unfortunately. I hate them, it makes me feel bad haha. I usually take some time off and find some new inspirations! If anyone has advice, I would like to hear it aswell haha. 

8. Which of your works is your favorite? Can you describe it to us and why it is special? 

I don't really have a favorite I think, the one I am the most proudest of is definitely the one with the dragon skull. I used no images, models etc and made everything in 3d and through drawing, which took extremely long but it's worth it! 

9. What is your fututure goals/plans?

I would love to do this (create art) full time at some point! Where or how doesn't really matter I think.

10. Do you have any favourite mantra that gives you any type of motivation or can give others inspiration? 

Uhm, have no regrets. Just do what you love and see where it leads you! :)

11. Where can people find your art or purchase any of your work if available? (social media links and store links) 

You can find me on Instagram, Artstation and YouTube with the username @jpegv1 .
I plan to upload more YouTube videos as soon as I have some more time available, I also hope to finish up some new pieces asap!
