Exolorian : 1st Place Winner of The Bestffa Contest

Today we are interviewing our 1st place winner of the #bestffacontest @exolorian

1. Tell us more about yourself and the work you do?
Well I am a 33 years old father of two. I am half-south African, half Portuguese born in the middle of the desert in a city called Windhoek (Namibia) and currently living and working in Switzerland for a watch brand as a Graphic/Product Designer.

2. How were you inspired to pursue this kind of career?
I always enjoyed creating things since a kid, specially with LEGO.It kind of inspired me to pursue a career in Design, which I eventually did later on for college and professionally.

3. Can you tell us what style of art you do and how you developed your own style?
This is a tricky question, I think I have't found a particular style yet. I am kind of all over the place and trying out new stuff and techniques.

4. Can you name an artist/s that you look up to? How have they influenced you?
I have a couple of them but definitely @seventh.voyage for his perfection in details and @bonfire_stories & @David.benzal for their amazing creativity! They are truly inspiring.

5. What is your typical daily routine like?
Usually its pretty repetitive, Wake-up, Work (Professionally and free-time) Kids, Eat, Sleep and repeat.

6. How do you go about creating a piece? Can you share with us your creative process?
Usually I have a theme in my head, that I would like to do but not a specific and concrete idea.
That will always depend on the stock pictures I find and how I can use them to create something following the theme.

7. Do you get creative blocks from time to time? How do you overcome it? What advice can you share to overcome it?
Oh yeah, I would say most of the time. Usually I just listen to music, or watch movies if I have time, or check other artists work that might lead to an idea and break the creative block.

8. What are the things you do to get inspired? What are your typical movies, music, 
activities, etc. ?
When working I definitely love to listen to music, as I fell I gets me more motivated when working. I really like instrumental music and score music. My top artist would be Hanz Zimmer.
As for movies I am kind of a Sci-fi nerd. So anything that is futuristic and in space... I am in.

9. Which of your works is your favorite? Can you describe it to us and why it is special?
Definitely one of my favorite works are a part of a series I did called the Natural Elements
(Water, Fire, Wind and Earth) It's special because I set a lot of restrictions to test my skills and ideas.
One of them being that I had to use always the same model and build a scene around her.

10. What is your fututure goals/plans?
My future goals, are always learning stuff to improve my skills and definitely more integration of 3D into my visuals.

11. Do you have any favourite mantra that gives you any type of motivation or can give others inspiration?
"Life is too short to waste time on things that don't make you happy"!

12. Where can people find your art or purchase any of your work if available? (social media links and store links)
At the moment, just on instagram @exolorian
